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A versatile framework for multi-party computation
Scripts for training deep learning models for MNIST in MPC
Published in IEEE Security & Privacy, 2019
This paper describes an implementation of SPDZ2k, a protocol with malicious security based on oblivious transfer.
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Published in PETS, 2020
This paper describes an implementation of MobileNets in secure computation.
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Published in IACR CRYPTO, 2020
This paper proposes edaBits, a general way of switching between arithmetic and binary computation in MPC.
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Published in ACM CCS, 2020
This paper describes the protocols and the design of MP-SPDZ.
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Published in USENIX Security, 2021
This paper describes an efficient four-party protocol with active security and applications to machine learning.
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Published in ICML, 2022
This paper describes our implementation of deep learning training in MP-SPDZ.
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We have implemented training of neural networks in secure multi-party computation (MPC) using quantization commonly used in the said setting. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present an MNIST classifier purely trained in MPC that comes within 0.2 percent of the accuracy of the same convolutional neural network trained via plaintext computation. More concretely, we have trained a network with two convolution and two dense layers to 99.2% accuracy in 25 epochs. This took 3.5 hours in our MPC implementation (under one hour for 99% accuracy).
I will present the core design choices of MP-SPDZ and their application to machine learning.
While there is a growing number of MPC implementations, most of them are restricted in terms of protocols, security models, and applications. MP-SPDZ on the other hand offers more than 30 protocol variants in a range of security models and a programming interface that is application-independent. I will talk about the core design choices of MP-SPDZ and how they facilitate this versatility. In particular, the fact that almost all protocol feature two basic operations, some sort of addition and multiplication, provide a simple template for reusable code. I will also present recent results in privacy-preserving machine learning. We have implemented a network for MNIST with which we achieved an accuracy close to cleartext training with a few hours of training.
MP-SPDZ is an MPC framework supporting more than 30 protocol variants in all commonly used security models and computation domains. By security model, we mean the choice of total number of parties, number of corrupted parties, and level of corruption (semi-honest or malicious). By computation domain we mean mathematical domain underlying the relevant cryptographic techniques (secret sharing or garbled circuits). MP-SPDZ supports computation modulo a prime or a power of two as well as computation in fields of characteristic two.
MP-SPDZ is a versatile framework for multi-party computation implementing more than 40 protocol variants. It achieves this by heavily using C++ templating. This allows implementing a protocol only once for several domains if possible. For example, replicated secret sharing works over any ring, and MP-SPDZ uses the same code for computing modulo primes or powers of two. One way of achieving threshold cryptography is by exploiting the mathematical structure of a cryptosystem based on discrete logarithm and combining it with an MPC protocol in a black-box manner. This has been done with ECDSA where the domain of the secret keys are equivalent to a prime-order field, which allows run a number of MPC protocols over it. A secret sharing scheme over the secret-key domain canonically implies one over the public-key domain and the conversion is straight-forward by applying the exponentiation. In this talk, I will present the infrastructure in MP-SPDZ that underlies the implementation and code examples thereof. The simple interface makes it easy to extend to other cryptosystems with a similar structure.
Multiparty computation is a key privacy-enhancing technology as it allows computing on distributed data without revealing it to any particular participant. I will introduce the core aspects and present results on using it for machine learning.
MP-SPDZ is the leading open-source research prototype for multi-party computation, a major privacy-enhancing technology. In this talk, I will present more recent developments in MP-SPDZ. On the protocol side, this includes secure shuffling, which enables more efficient data analytics, and the switch to SoftSpokenOT, a more secure and flexible basis for scaling two-party computation. In addition, I will cover MP-SPDZ’s approach to scaling computation efficiently, which has been inspired by HyCC (CCS’18).
Workshop, Studienstiftung, 2022
I have run a working group at the Privacy Academy, a week-long event organised by students of the German National Academic Foundation.
Guest Lecture, University of Toronto, 2025
I have given a guest lecture on multi-party computation as part of Anwar Hithnawi’s course Topics in Computer Systems: Privacy-Enhancing Technologies at the University of Toronto. The slide deck is available here.